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e-INFRA CZ Survey Platform

Making Surveys Powerful and Accessible for e-INFRA CZ Users

Create multi-language questionaires on-demand

Tailored for academic studies, projects, and research. Unlimited surveys, respondents and their response. Create profesional, branded questionaires that helps you collect qualitative and quantitative data from broad spectrum of respondends.

LimeSurvey Survey Software
LimeSurvey Survey Software

Free for use for all e-INFRA CZ users

Experience the freedom of a cost-free usage model for eligible e-INFRA CZ users, fortified by the robust backbone of e-INFRA CZ's national e-infrastructure.

Data Security and Privacy

Running in the e-INFRA CZ datacenters, survey platform provides direct control over survey data storage and security, ensuring compliance with national and european privacy regulations.

LimeSurvey Survey Software

Interested in making a questionaire with e-INFRA CZ Survey platform?

Contact us at support(at)